Welcoming Professionals from Diverse Fields
IFMSS is eager to welcome new members who are enthusiastic about all fields related to fetal medicine and surgery. Our diverse group of professionals includes specialists in multiple fields such as pediatric surgery, maternal-fetal medicine, OB/GYN, neonatology, anesthesiology, cardiology, plastic/reconstructive surgery, genetics, ethics, and more.
Read IFMSS’ position on reproductive rights.

An Unmatched Professional Resource
A membership to The International Fetal Medical Surgical Society serves you in more ways than one. Joining this esteemed organization not only provides you with a platform to connect with a global network of experts in the field, but it also grants you the opportunity to participate in conferences, workshops, and symposiums where you can exchange knowledge, engage in fruitful discussions, and collaborate on groundbreaking projects. You will have the chance to contribute to the advancement of fetal medicine and surgery, making a lasting impact on the lives of patients and their families. By becoming a member of IFMSS, you are not only investing in your own growth, but you are also becoming a vital contributor to a vibrant and dynamic community dedicated to improving the field of fetal medicine and surgery.
Presentation and discussion of cutting-edge advances and controversies in the fields of prenatal diagnosis & fetal therapy.
Take advantage of travel grants awarded to young investigators to attend the annual meetings and present research.
Opportunity for informal mentoring with leaders in the field, networking opportunities for future collaborations, research, and faculty positions.
Includes a subscription to the Fetal Diagnosis & Therapy Journal.
Travel meeting sites offer the opportunity to annually experience the beauty and cultures in diverse regions of the world.
Opportunity for a fast track to publication in the IFMSS Special Issue of Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy of scientific presentations at/from the annual meetings.
Active Member
Active membership is open to anyone who has an interest in fetal diagnosis, fetal therapy, fetal surgery, or any related field with a specific interest in fetal diagnosis and therapy.
Attend Annual Meeting*
Pay annual dues that includes an online subscription to the Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy Journal
Membership Status
Membership must be established by first attending an annual meeting. If you would like to become a member of IFMSS, please register and attend the current year’s annual meeting. Once a member, your status will be defined by the following criteria:
Senior Member
A senior member is an active member of age 65 or more or retired from active clinical practice.
Attend Annual Meeting*
Not required but encouraged to pay annual dues
May continue their online subscription to the Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy Journal at the discounted member rate
How to Become and Remain a Member
Membership can only be initially obtained by attending an annual meeting of the society. If you are interested in becoming a member of IFMSS, please register and attend our annual meeting.
In order to remain a member, you must:
*Attend at least one meeting every three years.
During the years you do not attend the annual meeting, you must pay annual dues that include an online subscription to the Fetal Diagnosis & Therapy Journal.
Active Members: $125.00 USD
Trainees: $75.00 USD
Loss of Membership
Failure to attend one of three (1/3) consecutive annual meetings will result in a forfeiture of membership and loss of IFMSS website membership access, which includes the member directory and other important society information and resources. This access can be renewed by paying the annual dues.